Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What is PiYo?

Summer 2014:
          After 3 rounds of the 21 Day Fix I was looking for something new to try and the buzz around PiYo was huge. The Pilates Fix workout is one of my favorites from the 21 Day Fix so I wanted to see what Chalene Johnson had cooked up in her brand new program that was inspired by pilates and yoga. I decided to give it a whirl and FELL IN LOVE. No jumping or impacts, no weight or equipment, and no holding stiff poses like regular yoga and pilates.
          The workouts range from 20-50 minutes and get your heart rate right into that medium fat burning, sweaty range without leaving you out of breath (except for those power sections!) I should add that around this time I also bought a Garmin Vivofit band and heart rate monitor so I was able to see my heart rate and calorie burn for each workout.
          It's hard to explain, but your muscles get so warm from these workouts, it's the energized high from a good workout while also being incredibly relaxing because it's pilates and yoga. I think that's why I love it so much. The program calendar felt a bit long to me at 8 weeks but I think that is because I got spoiled by the short calendar of the 21 Day Fix.
          I was totally floored by my results from PiYo. It just shaved inches off of my trouble areas! All but 1.5" I lost were from my hips and thighs- but don't let that fool you into thinking I didn't see results in my upper body. I saw increased muscle definition all over and for the first time really saw biceps start to come out. Those tricep push-ups are no joke! Don't be fooled into thinking you need anything more than your body weight to sculpt your body!
          Another thing it did was really help get rid of my back pain. I've always suffered from sciatic pain and working out started to help that, but the increased flexibility and low impact of PiYo really diminished my pain and strengthened the supporting muscles for my back. I seriously cannot say enough positive things about PiYo. I think it's my soulmate workout program!


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

21 Day Fix

Spring 2014
          The 21 Day Fix changed my life- and I'm not exaggerating at all! I've always struggled with portions and not knowing how much was the "right" amount to eat. I sort of knew what was and wasn't healthy, but didn't know where to start. I wanted to make a change and needed structure, but nothing too drastic that had too many "off limits" foods- I am picky and NOT a fan of vegetables. I'm so grateful to my coach Toni for introducing me to the 21 Day Fix!
          The 21 Day Fix made healthy eating so easy- there were lists of foods for each container and I found many things on each list that I already ate or was willing to try. And it's not so restrictive- there's "cheats" allowed too.  My husband and I enjoyed learning how to plan our meals (check out my coach's post on post-it meal planning here: http://tonihatinger.blogspot.com/2014/04/my-21-day-fix-meal-planning-made-easy.html?m=1) and found that the plan allowed us so much food- we definitely were not starving! But we were losing weight and inches super fast.

          The 30 minute workouts were really challenging, but with each move only lasting a minute, we pushed through. My husband works full time and we worked out together before bed- our 2 year old daughter loved joining in too!

          I loved that there was a different focus every day (legs, arms, cardio, pilates, cardio with weights, dirty 30, and yoga) so you weren't overworking the same muscle groups day after day. 

          Seeing immediate results was so gratifying and once our bodies got used to the right portions and eating clean, we were no longer craving junk food or processed stuff. Shakeology was a big reason for those decreased cravings too. Our deep fryer is now collecting dust- haha. Since the program is only 21 days long, it's so easy to stick with and stay committed. Over the last year, the portion control containers and meal planning has become our new lifestyle.
          We continued with 3 rounds of the 21 Day Fix before moving on to another program.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The start of my journey...winter 2013

          My name is Kristen. I am a 29 year old stay at home mom to an almost 3 year old daughter. My husband is a PE/Health teacher for elementary and high school aged kids and coaches several sports. We live in rural northwest Iowa. We also have 2 fur-babies: a maltese/Shih-Tzu and a German Shorthair pointer.
          I kept a diary from 6th grade until I had a baby in 2012. It started out on paper, then went online in high school and from daily entries to monthly catch-up posts. Since my daughter was born, I haven't updated that but keep a calendar/diary of sorts for her. I started this blog to chronicle my health and fitness journey and to reach out to other people who are in the same boat I am, or are wanting to follow in my footsteps. :) I figure to start out, I'll tell you where my transformation began:
          I played soccer my whole life and in college and going from that to nothing in grad school really affected my fitness level and weight. In 2010, my OB-GYN told me I needed to lose 40 pounds before getting pregnant and that my weight could affect my fertility. I think I technically had an "obese" bmi: there's not much wiggle room when you are only 5 feet tall! Thankfully I got pregnant right away and ended up leaving the hospital with my newborn (April 2012) at the exact same weight I was when I got pregnant!!

          Breastfeeding for 2 years helped me lose about 10 pounds but I wanted to lose more and get fit to keep up with my daughter and just live a more healthy lifestyle!! My sister in law had gotten into those fun Warrior/Color 5k races the last couple years and she talked me into doing one so I started workout out diligently in December 2013 to get ready for my July 2014 race. I work best when I have a goal and a deadline in front of me. I lost about 5 pounds in 3 months and then started drinking this amazing thing called Shakeology. I figured if it gave my best friend the energy to keep up with 3 little ones under the age of 5, I needed to try it out! Adding Shakeology to my fitness video helped me lose 5 more pounds in half the time.
          Then in April 2014 my husband and I started the 21 Day Fix fitness program from Beachbody in addition to drinking Shakeology every day. The weight started falling off immediately and we've never looked back! I've now lost about 40 pounds and my husband has lost 30. We are healthier and happier and love supporting others who want to make the same changes in their lives that we did.
          I think I'll be posting flashbacks of our transformation on Tuesdays so you can see how we got to where we are, as well as other posts about healthy living. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my life!