Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Get your workout in: Your body will thank you!

I just finished my workout and it completely changed how I feel today.

Wednesday morning at my MOTS meetings is my usual cheat meal and there's always a lot of yummy goodness happening. I was running out the door this morning and didn’t even stop to make my shake. This afternoon I was sitting on the couch, eating Halloween candy with Addison, and yawning and feeling blah! I was seriously planning: “Ok, if I lay down now what time do I need to set my alarm for so I can wake up and not be totally groggy and still go to church tonight with Addie.” I was planning to skip my workout, and actually some Wednesdays I do skip my workout (but never my shake in the morning like I did today). I like to have my workout schedule planned for 7 days but if life happens and I miss a day, then that’s ok.
            But then I got a Facebook notification: Kelly posted a picture of her Shakeology. Tabitha posted that she worked out during both of her kids’ naps. It hit me: If I have a group of women that are looking to me for support and accountability and as an example to help them learn new habits and get healthy and just feel better overall…then I need to live up to what I am asking them to do!!
I can’t imagine having to get all dressed up in gym clothes and drive to the Y (which is half an hour away), and paying those huge membership fees, and making sure someone is watching Addie… just all sorts of stuff to deal with! I'm so glad that I can work out in my sports bra and shorts in my living room whenever I want. If I need to take a break to look Addie’s painting or help her use the bathroom, I can. A lot of my workouts have pauses to help her, and that’s totally cool because let’s be honest: I'm a mom first.
Working out at home and having the support online has made all the difference for me. Even right now, Addie is bringing a pile of books into the living room and wants me to read to her. So my window of “free time” is over. My workout has not only burned calories but also changed my mood, WOKE me up, and given me energy!

Moral of the story: get your workout in and your body will thank you!

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