Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 is here: Time to take action!

2016 is here. Are you going to keep waiting for life to happen to you, or are you ready to take action?
I read the book “The Organized Mind” by Daniel Levitin and a specific passage really spoke to me about three principles that lead us toward INACTION in a large social group that are ingrained into our psyche. First is the desire to conform. We are driven by the need for acceptance. We want to be seen as agreeable so that we can blend into the group. The second is social comparison. We compare our actions in terms of other people's actions and want to make sure that we're seen as similar. The third one is the diffusion of responsibility. Let’s say for example that you're the only person that witnesses an emergency. You are definitely going to take action and help out, right? But if there's a bunch of people there, the responsibility is spread out and everyone is waiting for someone else to take the first step to do something about it.
That used to be me: I sat around waiting for things to happen to me. I did the bare minimum and wondered why nothing was getting better. When I was approached by my friend about being a Beachbody coach, I thought: I don't know what it means to be a coach; I don’t have a “beach body”; I’m not healthy, why would anyone look to me for help or as an example?
But over the last 2 years, I have learned how to live a healthy lifestyle. I still have insecurities- who doesn’t?! But I will rock a bikini when I’m at the pool with my daughter and I don’t care what anyone thinks. Now I have an inner confidence to be myself and to not care what the group is doing, thinking, or saying. I no longer have a desire to conform. As far as the diffusion of responsibility goes, I’ve realized that I have a responsibility to teach my daughter what it means to be healthy and strong and confident. No one else is going to do that for me.

I am no longer living a life of inaction. I’ve learned about confidence and the tools to be healthy. Now I teach them to other people and inspire them to make changes in their lives and families. If you think the you would like to be captain of your own ship instead of waiting for someone to take the steering wheel for you, then I would love to have you join my team or accountability group. Please leave a comment or contact me on Facebook at  

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