Have you been watching #the20s on #beachbodyondemand the last few months? Who do YOU want to be Beachbody's next super trainer??
I just did all 3 beginner routines. I was most excited for Erica's because I've been wanting to try barre. But I felt it was all counting and no explanation or personality really. Some moves made me feel a burn, but I felt rushed in keeping up because the moves weren't demonstrated first like the other 2 did. She didn't get much airtime this season. I almost wish Derrick was in the finals instead of her but I do remember he was bad at counts.
I loved Joe's. I like his personality and was funny but also his take on low impact but also cardio. I felt a bit too much flirting with Shallamar but he interacted with both of them great and made me laugh. I had FUN doing it and listening to him. I'd never done most of those moves but he explained well and used his other people a lot. I enjoyed hearing a bit of his fitness backstory with the multiple knee surgeries and why he works out this way.
I liked Megan's and was the most out of breath from hers. Some was from rushing from move to move. I didn't like that I needed equipment. I used my couch and pretended there were lines. Needing to buy equipment is a big barrier to people for trying a program, especially those who don't have a lot of space to workout in. It took me half the time to figure out the overall plan of the workout, lol. Her moves were nice, I had to modify many because my shoulder is strained right now. Her personality was good but lacked that extra special thing Joe had. I feel her story and inspiring her dad and family to change their lives is very cool and it was definitely played up with a lot of camera time this season. For a beginner program, hers was the hardest for me.
I might watch the others tonight but if I had to vote based on workouts alone, I'd vote Joe. Although his elevator pitch was atrocious and it drove me crazy that he mis-said 22 Minute Hard Corps as 22 Hard Corps. Megan I think won more of the challenges, and Ericka was a quiet front runner in the rankings all season long.
What do you think? If you haven't been watching, who would you vote for just based on this quick review?

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