Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Struggles make you stronger


          I want to share with you part of my story that has nothing really to do with my physical journey at all. I went into grad school directly after graduating college because the job market was bad and I (fortunately) was able to attend with a tuition waiver and a stipend from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2 years later when I graduated the job market was still bad, so I moved to Iowa where Corey had been teaching for 2 years. In this small town area there were no jobs related to my field and every entry-level job turned me down because I was “overqualified”.
          The only job I did get was through Corey’s school as a 1-on-1 aide for minimum wage, and the next year I got my sub license and worked while I was pregnant. Subbing work was slow also, but it got us used to living on 1 income before Addie was born. I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom, and since I never really became involved in a job/career out of grad school, it was an easy transition to stay at home and we were already used to living on only Corey’s income. That doesn’t mean living on a teacher’s salary is easy, but we are used to it.
          I used to think that because I couldn’t find a job to put my master’s degree “to use” that I was a failure. But those setbacks really just set me up for being a stay at home mom, and then about 2 years into staying at home I joined the Beachbody family as a coach to get a discount on Shakeology and to turn my health around. 2 more years later and what started as a way to save money has now turned into a purpose to help people change their lives through health and fitness, a way to bring an in an income, AND I still get to stay at home. heart emoticon 

          My point is... In the THICK of it... Your life may seem out of control... it may feel like everything is going wrong... You might be struggling... Financially, spiritually, emotionally, and physically... But THE TRUTH IS... it may just be the thing needed to create your AMAZING future!!! Stay strong... Have faith! Everything is going to turn out just how God intends it to!

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