I wanted to share with you some
of my thoughts on Country Heat so far. I missed Monday so today is only my
second day of it, but I did my second
routine today and my skin is glowing and I am dripping and just as sweaty as I
got in 22 Minute Hard Corps. So I'm really surprised- honestly I bought the
program because everyone else in my room at Summit bought it too, and I said,
“okay everyone else is doing it, I guess I'll do it too.” That's kind of how I
felt last year when I bought Cize, which was more of a hip-hop dancing program.
I ended up loving Cize, by the way, and I can already tell that I’ll love this
program, too.
I'm not watching the clock at all during the workout. I
am out of breath when I’m doing it; I don't know how Autumn does the program
and talks the whole time! You don't need a home gym for this, there's no
equipment, there's a girl who doesn't even do the jumping so there's no impact
or anything. I’ve just been using my living room floor: if you can take 2 steps
to the right and 2 steps to the left, forward, and back: that's all the space
you need! I'm really pleasantly surprised! It's fun and it is more of the fun,
upbeat country songs that have been on the radio lately. It's not line dancing
at all; it is cardio.
They're all really simple moves and I think honestly my
favorite part so far is the move breakdown. It's like a 20-minute separate
track where she goes through each move at walking speed, so for me that's
really helpful. I even had to replay a couple, because if you're trying to
learn them as the music is going you're gonna mess up. So I really love the
move breakdown a lot.
There are some moves that I have not gotten the hang out
quite yet since this is only my first or second day doing some of them, and
it's kind of nice that once you do that round of them you're done and you're
onto another move. I've got a few other people doing Country Teat with me in my
group and so far I think that they love it too. The fact that it comes with
Shakeology and the portion control containers just makes it well rounded and
you know that you're getting your nutrition taken care of. I think you're
easily burning 200 calories in each workout at just half an hour.
If you want to join in or learn more information about
Country Heat (or any other program for that matter), please comment below,
email me, or reach out to me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/boeknowscleanliving
Here's a view of me dancing while Addie plays in the living room behind me.
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