Sunday, December 6, 2015

2 years into my fitness journey: How all I wanted to do was prove him wrong.

I want to take you on a journey, so stay with me: Timehop showed me the post below from 2 years ago. It took a crazy decision to sign up for a Warrior Dash 5k and knowing I had 7.5 months to get ready for it to start my health and fitness journey. And I actually only signed up for it because my husband didn't think I could complete the race. I wanted to prove him wrong.

You see, the picture on the left was taken in Oct/Nov 2013 and when I saw it on my dads camera, I knew I needed to make a change. I was busting out of all of my clothes and felt terrible about myself. I wanted to hide from the camera and put on a fake smile IF one was pointed at me. I didn't know what to do. So then comes me signing up for the Warrior Dash. I did a Jillian Michaels 30 day DVD for just over 5 months. There were three 10 day cycles. It took me about 2 months to master each cycle. It was half an hour a day and I could barely get through that. I changed nothing about the rest of my physical activity, slept in late every day, and didn't change what I ate. It took 4 months to lose 5 pounds.

My friend Toni knew I was trying to get ready for this race and was there online everyday to give me encouragement and tough love. I also saw her posts about getting so much done, having energy, and loving life. Oh and she had 2 kids and a newborn at that time. Honestly, I wanted to punch her in the face and unfollow her posts. But her daily posts got inside of me and I began to think "maybe I should try what she's doing". So when she approached me about trying Shakeology and learning portion control with a new workout program called the 21 Day Fix, I asked a TON of questions but finally jumped in. What did I have to lose? At first I just added Shakeology to my day; I still didn't change my food, and I continued with my Jillian Michaels DVD. I lost 5 more pounds in half the time as before- 2 more months! Then on April 20, 2013 Corey and I began the 21 Day Fix and I lost more than 5 pounds in only 3 weeks!! Seems like the combo of Shakeology, proper nutrition/portion sizes, and a top notch workout really was the key!

Since then, we have continued to lose pounds/inches, workout 5-7 days a week, drink Shakeology daily, and eat clean/portioned most of the time while doing many other Beachbody programs.

I've also now got a fully normal thyroid- bye bye hypothyroidism and daily Synthroid! I don't suffer from hypoglycemia-no more shaky, dizzy, nauseous, or fainting episodes. I have more energy then my daughter. My smile for pictures is real, not fake. When people ask me how I'm doing, I honestly tell them that I'm doing amazing and that I love my life and I'm so excited about my future. I still have some complaints or crappy days, who doesn't?! But I am filled with this OVERPOWERING JOY knowing that I am living the life God meant for me, that I am taking care of this amazing body He blessed me with, and incredibly honored to share this health and business opportunity with others. 🙌🏻

Oh, and that race I signed up for? I finished it! (Take that, Corey! 😘) And I did another one just like it 2 weeks later without walking at all. This summer, I did a 5k without walking, and ran the entire 10k Pumpkin Run this fall.

In junior high, I had to have a friend run into the locker room to get my rescue inhaler because I couldn't breathe and had to stop in the middle of the mile run. Never did I think my life's journey would have gone this way. 2 years ago if you would have told me where I'd be now, I would have laughed.

It all started with a decision to change and a commitment to stay the course. This is my new reality- the picture on the right. I didn't think it was possible, but my coach and best friend Toni did. If you don't think these kinds of changes are possible for you, I'm telling you right now that THEY ARE!! I will believe in you, even if you don't. You've gotta be the one to decide though, to commit to seeing it through. If you want any of this for yourself, please like/comment/message/carrier pigeon/smoke signal/let me know!! ❤️

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