Thursday, April 28, 2016

4 years into my nursing journey...

I never knew how long I would nurse Addison for, but I knew I wanted to go for 2 years and let her wean on her own terms. I never imagined we'd still be nursing at 4 years, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I know the end is in sight, as there are nights she doesn't want to and just wants to be rocked, or mornings she springs into action instead of wanting to cuddle.

I loved seeing the pictures and reading the stories at this site:

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

2 years into my health, fitness, and weight loss journey with Beachbody

The first year of my fitness journey was AMAZING. I saw results immediately and all year long. My 2nd year was VERY different. If I didn't have the support of my accountability groups and education to give me a new mindset on RESULTS AND HEALTH, I would probably think that not losing any more weight or inches from year 1 to 2 would be a bad thing.
So many people see results and then QUIT without realizing that health is a journey, not a number on the scale or destination. Then they go back to their old habits and wonder why they gain the weight back. 🤔 If you really want to be healthy, you've got to draw a line in the sand and say "ENOUGH" and never go back. That's what 2015 to 2016 was for me.
I STILL drink Shakeology daily, I STILL workout at home 5-7 days a week, I STILL use my portion control containers and meal plan and allow for moderation and indulgences, and that's why I am STILL down the same amount of weight and inches as I lost in the first year of my health and fitness journey. I found the secret to lasting results, and that's to LAST- just keep on keeping on!
If you want to see changes like this and feel the benefits of more energy, better digestion, clearer skin, less cravings, more confidence, more patience, better relationships, then are you ready for a commitment? I will do it WITH you and I WON'T QUIT on you. The deadline to join my June 6th accountability group is fast approaching.
Who's in? Comment below or message me to get started. 

If you are reading this after the fact, please contact me via Facebook at to see when my next accountability group starts!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Struggles make you stronger


          I want to share with you part of my story that has nothing really to do with my physical journey at all. I went into grad school directly after graduating college because the job market was bad and I (fortunately) was able to attend with a tuition waiver and a stipend from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2 years later when I graduated the job market was still bad, so I moved to Iowa where Corey had been teaching for 2 years. In this small town area there were no jobs related to my field and every entry-level job turned me down because I was “overqualified”.
          The only job I did get was through Corey’s school as a 1-on-1 aide for minimum wage, and the next year I got my sub license and worked while I was pregnant. Subbing work was slow also, but it got us used to living on 1 income before Addie was born. I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom, and since I never really became involved in a job/career out of grad school, it was an easy transition to stay at home and we were already used to living on only Corey’s income. That doesn’t mean living on a teacher’s salary is easy, but we are used to it.
          I used to think that because I couldn’t find a job to put my master’s degree “to use” that I was a failure. But those setbacks really just set me up for being a stay at home mom, and then about 2 years into staying at home I joined the Beachbody family as a coach to get a discount on Shakeology and to turn my health around. 2 more years later and what started as a way to save money has now turned into a purpose to help people change their lives through health and fitness, a way to bring an in an income, AND I still get to stay at home. heart emoticon 

          My point is... In the THICK of it... Your life may seem out of control... it may feel like everything is going wrong... You might be struggling... Financially, spiritually, emotionally, and physically... But THE TRUTH IS... it may just be the thing needed to create your AMAZING future!!! Stay strong... Have faith! Everything is going to turn out just how God intends it to!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hospitality vs. The "Perfection Infection"

What do you see here? Deep down, I see a couch with hidden Kirby hairs and one that desperately needs to be shampooed.

In years past, I would have let my "perfection infection" drive me nuts and would have deep cleaned not only the couch but the whole house before hosting Addison's birthday party. And if I couldn't get it all done before people came over, I would have been upset. Not to mention very difficult to deal with as I was doing all of the cleaning.
This year I took a different approach and did what I could, asked Corey for help (which he gave and I'm so grateful for), and the rest I just let go and focused on enjoying the people that came to the house and enjoying the celebration.
While reading one of my books "No More Perfect Moms" the author brings up this question: Is our resistance to hospitality and allowing our fears to control us an act of selfishness? Do we care more about how we feel then how our hospitality may make the other person feel? I can guarantee that no one at the party mentioned the fact that my couch would look nicer if it was shampooed; and if anyone thought it at least they didn't say it, so thanks for that!
I am learning that perfection is an unrealistic standard, and maybe just an organized reality and a welcoming heart and spirit is more important than a house that looks like it came out of a magazine. Hospitality is our opportunity to be Jesus to those around us and it is an extension of our hearts. 
Offering hospitality puts the emphasis on others and strives to meet their physical and spiritual needs. I love a part from my book said: your hospitality should make people feel REFRESHED, NOT IMPRESSED when they leave your home.
Do you struggle with extending hospitality to others? I hope that sharing this with you can empower you to replace fear with courage, insecurity with confidence, and judgment with grace. And invite people over to be part of your reality- no unrealistic expectations or perfection required.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Unexpected car repair? No problem!

I'm just at the oil change place sipping my Shakeology when I get the news that my squeaky car has a bad U joint. Like DANGEROUSLY bad. The bill: $180. 😳
Guess what? For the first time getting this kind of news I don't have to freak out and set a later appointment until we come up with the money or sell a few things. 🙌🏻 Why not?
Because that's covered from my last 3 Beachbody weekly pay checks. 👊 We save what I make and sometimes it goes toward fun things like Addie's soccer sign up/equipment ⚽️ but sometimes it goes into savings for times like this. 🚙
The fact that I can pay for things like this just from sharing my health and fitness journey honestly and helping other people do the same is such a blessing.
If you'd like to turn your fitness into a business and are the tiniest bit curious about what I do as a coach, please like/comment/message me and I'd love to share some information with you. 😘
"Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill."