Saturday, May 28, 2016

why we don't give our daughter Pedialyte when she is sick

Addie still has a decent appetite but with this fever still going we've been pushing fluids on her. I'm not comfortable with the ingredients in Pedialyte, so we chose an alternative usage for our during-workout drink.
Not only does it NOT have the icky stuff Pedialyte does have, but it also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant superfoods.
Why not give her little body an added boost? If it's good enough for us in our intense workouts, then it's more than enough for her fighting whatever this is off. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

What's your love language?

How do you express love and caring to your spouse (or anyone for that matter)?
My husband has enough to worry about while he's gone for 12 hours a day teaching and coaching. The last thing I want to do is greet him with a "honey do" list as soon as he gets home. I do my absolute darnedest to accomplish things on my own during the day so that I don't bog him down when he's home for family time. 
A less secure man would see my pulling these big (thicker than my arms, easily 20 feet long) broken branches to the street from our backyard as me taking his "manly responsibility" from him.
It's a good thing we both rank very high on "acts of service" as a love language, because he will see me doing this and know it comes across as a caring gesture.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

strong is the new skinny

What is 1 body part you used to hate but now you have a better relationship with?

I used to be really insecure about my legs. I didn't like the term "thunder thighs" but instead I called them "soccer legs". I wished my jeans didn't get pilly and worn thin/through in my thighs. Now that I'm not only more fit but also more confident, I am much more secure in my legs. Who wants toothpicks for legs?! Heck no, I want a strong foundation for my body!! Doing programs like Hammer & Chisel and now P90X3 have given me the chance to really strengthen my legs. I love seeing muscle definition in pics like this. I never fit into the "skinny leg" jeans, but at least I don't have that awful thigh rub/chafing anymore. BAM!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday sweat therapy

Let me be honest with you: I AM STRUGGLING!

  • I have had graduation parties which means temptation getting the better of me...
  • busyness as an excuse and skipping my workouts...
  • Addie getting into a new schedule which threw me off of my schedule...
  • family things causing stress...
I feel pulled in 1 million different directions and didn't know what to do. Before my workout I was talking to a friend and I was holding back tears, so I just went downstairs and pushed play. I let my workout be my therapy and my stress relief.

It didn't give me any answers but what it did give me was a good sweat session, burn in my muscles, and cleared my brain. I know now that I can refocus and tackle one thing at a time. Workouts are my therapy; they are my drug; they help me get through the day and feel strong and clearheaded. I never leave a workout feeling worse than I did before I started.

What's your therapy? What's your drug? I can guarantee it does not work better than a workout because what other therapy or drug also changes your body for the better?

June 6 is the start date for my next group and I NEED YOUR HELP to stay focused and stay strong through the temptations and craziness that summer brings. Who wants to join? I'll support you and you'll support me and we will succeed together.

If you are reading this after the fact, please contact me on Facebook: to see when my next accountability group starts!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Country Line Dancing workout: Country Heat coming soon!!

$5 was just donated on my behalf to help fight the Canadian wildfires thanks to Beachbody. How?? All I did was log onto Beachbody on Demand to try a brand new workout from the upcoming program Country Heat.

If you think that face looks familiar, it is!! Autumn Calabrese created the 21 Day Fix and those revolutionary portion control containers, as well as Hammer & Chisel. Now she's back teaching country-inspired dances in a really easy to follow and fun format. I was sweating and had my heart rate up even though I still have 2 left feet. ðŸ’ƒ

If you'd like to try this workout for free today, comment below. Or if you'd like more information about the program before it releases in July, comment below as well!

Friday, May 6, 2016

FREE Hydration Group!!

Did you know that even when you're barely dehydrated your body sends out cravings for sweets?! ðŸ˜³
The weather is heating up I've been guzzling down water lately to combat those cravings. Hydration is often one of the lost overlooked aspects to being healthy- and it's easy and cheap! To learn more about how important water is for your health as well as some recipes, tips, and motivation to get your recommended daily water in, please comment or like this post to be added to our FREE group. We start TOMORROW (MONDAY)!!

If you are reading this after the fact, please find me on Facebook at: to ask when my next group will start! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Who else loves getting fun rewards?! 

I have been blown away by the hard work of some of the ladies in my current 60 day accountability group. ðŸ’ª I know it's SO hard to stay committed to a new habit and lifestyle, especially for something as long as 60 days! I LOVE giving little prizes as a way to say THANKS for their hard work and to spur them on toward the finish. 


Be watching your mailboxes, ladies!