Monday, June 13, 2016

being a mom boss: the ultimate flexibility to put my family first

"Thanks for taking me to VBS today, mom. At first I was nervous but then I really liked it. Thanks for always doing fun stuff with me."
What a great day. I think first it started out positive because of my planning and mindset and made a choice at each challenging moment to respond with love and grace. But it's also great because I got to spend time seeing my daughter's faith grow and spend time investing into almost 40 3-5 year olds today.
To think that with the flexibility of my coaching, I was able to do VBS in the morning and then work this afternoon in between playing in the pool and inside with Addie. A schedule based on my needs and those of my daughter and family.
Corey umped for a Jr High game this morning, prepped his field, and then had a game to coach. Addie is already asleep so she hasn't seen him since 7:30 this morning. 😟 Someday soon he will have his summers "off" for real and it will be because of my job as a Beachbody coach.

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