Thursday, June 16, 2016

living with anxiety and learning to let God provide

Part 1: 
We just did our grocery shopping for the month. At checkout we found out just how much fuel saver/free gas we left on the table by shopping today instead of Saturday. 
Corey's response: "eh, oh well"
My response: "I'll return the whole order, put everything back on the shelf, and come back Saturday to re-buy it" THAT is another glimpse into my over-analyzing, anxious brain. 😳
Where on of the spectrum of the 2 of us do you fall?

Part 2: 2 days later...

I wanted to share with you something that has really changed my perspective from Thursday. I remember posting about grocery shopping and the huge anxiety that I got afterwords realizing that essentially we had left an entire tank of free Fuel Saver gas on the table in the Yukon. Gas is still relatively cheap compared to last year, but it still takes a lot of gas to fill up that big thing. So this anxiety was bothering me Thursday and eating at me Friday.
But then I went to balance our checkbook and I logged in to see what my Beachbody paycheck was for Thursday (the day that we have gone grocery shopping) and it was so amazing and reassuring to find out that last week I actually made enough money to fill up both of our cars from dead empty! It didn't have to come from Corey's paycheck at all; it came from mine! I was really reassured and thankful to God for this opportunity, and He’s showing me that the work that I'm putting in, and the number of people that I'm able to help with their health and fitness is blessing our family so much.
There's no need to have such anxiety about paying our bills, or looking out for those coupons or the fuel saver. Yeah, it would have been nice if we would have done that obviously, but what was more amazing is that my little side job gig that I do for coaching it's no paying for things like gas for both of our cars. We don't fill our cars up every week either, so it's a really big deal for me and I wanted to share that with you guys. I wanted to give you some perspective that you don't need to worry about things because if you're faithful in all areas of your life and if you take your worries to God instead of letting them fester in your head, God will provide for you. I'm so grateful that the coaching opportunity has been able to help my family out in such a meaningful way.
That's why I keep inviting my friends to join me every month; that's why I keep sending invitations: because I want this opportunity not just to change your health like it has mine, but to change your life like the business has changed my life. If you would like to hear more about the coaching opportunity and what it could do for your family in your spare time, the little pockets of your day, let me know because my team wants thought to have you join us!

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